The latest signing to MSH Music Group US Black metal band 'Warpath Spawn'

From the depths of St. Louis Missouri comes Warpath Spawn. The band contains Andrew Gentemann and Brendan Hanrahan. Established in 2018 the band started recording DSBM and went on to decorate change to the genre with Atmospheric Black metal. For fans of SAOR, Fall of Rauros, Vvilderness and Belzebubs. Signed to MSH Music Group for multiple releases from 2022 - starting with the EP 'Abigail's Curse'
Abigail's Curse
The latest EP from Warpath Spawn & the first release on MSH music group comes Abigial's Curse, which stays true to the combined mixture of the genres of atmospheric black metal & DSBM. The EP is a three track masterpiece of sorrow & emotion. Released via MSH Music Group on a limited amount of cassette tapes that include a bonus track.

Described by Rick Eaglestone's review at 'A certain taste' as "A Cauldran of brooding substance" (Read the full review here)
Stream the EP in full on our Youtube channel
Abigail's Curse Cassette tape
For those who enjoy their black metal with the right aesthetic. MSH Music Group have produced a limited amount of cassette tapes which are available on Bandcamp and each tape comes with a bonus track which will not be available anywhere online.